علم التشريح ووظائف الأعضاء:
This course provides a basic study of the structure and function of the human body. Topics include a basic study of the body systems as well as an introduction to homeostasis, cells, tissues, nutrition, acid-base balance, and electrolytes.
Upon completion, students should be able to Laboratory exercises include specific organ dissections and observations of physiology.
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain how anatomy and physiology are related.
- Name the levels of structural organization that make up the human body and explain how they are related.
- Name the organ systems of the body and briefly state the major functions of each system.
- Classify by organ system all organs discussed.
- Explain the anatomical structure and location of all organs in each system.
- Define homeostasis and explain its importance.
- Use proper anatomical terminology to describe body direction, surfaces and body planes.
- Name the four major tissue types and explain how they differ structurally and functionally.
- Identify the subdivisions of the skeleton as axial or appendicular.
- Name the four main kinds of bones.
- Compare and contrast the structure and function of the three types of muscle tissue and where they are located in the body.
- Describe how an action potential is initiated in a muscle cell.
- Identify and indicate the functions of the major regions of the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum on a human brain model or diagram.
- Trace the pathway of a stimulus of each sense from start to the brain.
- Describe the blood-clotting process.
- Trace the pathway of blood through the heart.
- Describe the various body defenses.
- Describe the developmental aspects of all the body systems.
الإحصاء الحيوي:
This course introduces the fundamental principles and practices of statistics. Students will explore basic statistical concepts and methods, experience the art of statistical inference, examine the application of statistical techniques in public health, and critique statistical aspects of scientific reports.
Course Objectives
- Student will learn the principles of biostatistics.
- Application of biostatistics in public health.
- Understand the General introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics
- The role of biostatistics in the health sciences in general.
- Know techniques and principles for summarizing data, estimation, and hypothesis testing and decision-making.
- Know developing system requirements.
- Know designing a system
- Know system implementation
Upon completion of this course, students will understand and be able to apply basic techniques in descriptive and inferential statistics. These will include: techniques in graphical and numerical descriptive statistics; elementary probability calculation; point and confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing for population means, proportions, differences between means and differences between proportions; elementary non-parametric techniques and simple contingency table analyses. Students will be introduced to basic operations in SAS on personal computers. Identify appropriate statistical approaches, procedures and tests to ensure scientifically valid tests of hypotheses and/or answers to research questions. These tests include multiple regression, logistic regression, ANOVA, nonparametric tests, survival analysis, among others
علم الإجتماع الطبي:
مقرر علم الاجتماع الطبي يهتم بدراسة الجوانب الاجتماعية للصحة والمرض وأثر العادات والتقاليد الاجتماعية على صحة أفراد المجتمع كما يهتم بدراسة العلاقة بين صحة الناس وحياتهم اليومية والعلاقة بين الإنسان والبيئة الطبيعية، من حيث التأثير البيئي السكني والاجتماعي والنفسي والاقتصادي، والتلوث البيئي وأثره على صحة الإنسان وكيف يمكن الحد من مشكلة التلوث البيئي والنهوض بصحة البيئة والمحافظة على نظافتها وأخطار تلوث البيئة . كما يهتم بدراسة أسباب انخفاض المستوى الصحي في الدول النامية وكيفية النهوض بالوعي الصحي والغذائي في المجتمع. وأهمية التثقيف الصحي على مستوى الفرد والجماعة، والمجتمع. كما يهتم بدراسة دور المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية كمؤسسات طبية، واجتماعية في رفع الوعي الصحي للمواطنين وتحسين الأحوال الصحية في المجتمع. والاهتمام بالطب الوقائي حيث أن المستوى الصحي في المجتمع لا يقاس بمدى تقدم الطب العلاجي بقدر ما يقاس بمدى تقدم الطب الوقائي. كما يهتم بدراسة صحة الأطفال في إطار التغير الاجتماعي والاقتصادي في المجتمع الفلسطيني. وتغير نوعية الأمراض السائدة في المجتمع. كما يهتم بدراسة الأوضاع الصحية لجميع أفراد الأسرة الأطفال والبالغين وكبار السن والمرضى.
أهداف المقرر:
يهدف المقرر إلى ما يأتي:
- تعريف الطلبة بالوضع الصحي في المجتمع الفلسطيني.
- ربط المنهج بالواقع الفعلي عن طريق استمارة تعبئها كل طالب عن الأوضاع غير الصحية السائدة في المجتمع حتى يمكن إيجاد جسر واقعي وحقيقي بين ما تدرسه الطالب نظرياً في محتويات هذا المقرر وما تلاحظه من أنماط الحياة وممارستها فعلياً حولها ومن خلال وجودها داخل المجتمع الذي تعيش فيه. حيث تركز الاستمارة على الملاحظات التي يشاهدها الطالب للجوانب غير الصحية أو الممارسات الضارة بالصحة التي يمكن تواجدها في بعض جوانب الحياة في المجتمع الفلسطيني حيث يمكن تلمس بعض جوانب النقص في الحياة الصحية المرتبطة بالوعي الاجتماعي العام وتتمثل في بعض العادات غير الصحية الشخصية أو الجماعية أو بعض الممارسات الفردية أو العامة والتي تعتبر مؤشراً على انخفاض الوعي الصحي لدى بعض أفراد المجتمع.
- تنمية مهارات التفكير والملاحظة العلمية لدى الطلاب في مناقشة أبعاد المشاكل الصحية والغذائية وكيف يمكن مواجهتها.
- التوعية الصحية والغذائية الطلاب.
- توعية الطلاب بالأوضاع غير الصحية بالمرافق العامة داخل الجامعة وخارجها وأهمية نظافة البيئة وكيف يمكن المحافظة على نظافتها وأخطار التلوث البيئي. وأهمية تعاون المواطنين مع المسؤولين للنهوض بالوعي الصحي والمشاركة في إيجاد الحلول السليمة للمشاكل الصحية والبيئية في المجتمع.
- توعية الطلاب بأهمية السلوك الحضاري واتباع السلوكيات الصحية السليمة في المنزل والجامعة والعمل والأماكن العامة.
- توعيتهم بالوضع الغذائي وعلاقته بالواقع الاجتماعي في المجتمع، وأهمية التغذية السليمة وأخطار سوء التغذية.
- توعية الطلبة بأهمية توفير وسائل السلامة في المنزل والمدرسة العمل.
- دراسة بعض الأمراض الشائعة في المجتمع في الوقت الحاضر مع التغطية الشاملة لجميع المعلومات المتعلقة بهذه الأمراض من النواحي الصحية والاجتماعية والثقافية.
Prosthodontics and Periodontics:
This is a theory course designed to provide students with the essential information about fixed prostheses including treatment planning for crowns and bridges, biomechanics and configurations of fixed partial denture, principles of tooth preparation, preparation of full veneer crowns, restoration of extensively damaged teeth, temporary crowns and bridges, periodontal-restorative interface, impressions for fixed prosthodontics, occlusion and fixed prosthodontics, implant-supported fixed prostheses and resin-bonded bridges.
This course is designed to introduce the dental student to the subject of periodontology. It offers a review of the anatomy, histology, and physiology of these tissues, information on etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Students will be introduced to methods of detection and control charting and data collection
The aim of this course is to provide instructions in the theoretical and practical aspects of planning and making crowns and bridges. At the end of the course the student should be able to:
- Understand the principles of case assessment and selection.
- Understand the principles and procedures involved in crown-bridgework preparation, provisional crown & bridge construction and the fitting of crowns.
- Understand the periodontal and occlusal implications of crown-Bridgework.
- Understand the principles and process of the laboratory procedures involved in manufacturing metal, porcelain, and metal/ceramic crown-bridgework.
- Identify failures and methods of repair.
- To comprehend briefly the all-ceramic restorations
- Understand the various aspects of fixed and removable prosthodontics
- Be able to provide a treatment plan for patients seeking fixed prosthodontic treatment
- Have a proper knowledge about tooth preparation, temporization and restorations in fixed and removable prosthodontics
- Have the ability to design proper bridges at a level of his/her peers
- Have a workable knowledge of occlusion in fixed and removable prosthodontics
- Have a proper knowledge about the main materials that are used in fixed and removable prosthodontics including (Definitive/ Provisional restorations)
- Have a general knowledge about implants and fixed and removable prosthodontics
- Able to build the students knowledge in the basic principles of periodontics, including knowledge of different periodontal conditions, etiologic factors, risk factors, epidemiology and clinical aspects of disease diagnosis and treatment.
- Able to build the student skills in the diagnosis and management of different periodontal conditions at the general practitioner level.
Conservative dentistry and endodontic:
This course deals with Cardiology and the related aspects of its process, prevention and treatment. The process is intended to present the various aspects of dental caries based on current understanding of scientific evidence. Prevention will provide a framework to apply knowledge of the caries process towards primary and secondary prevention of this disease. The treatment will introduce the clinical component which includes diagnosis, patient evaluation, clinical decision making, and treatment planning. The scope of the course includes preparing the students to understand, recognize, diagnose and successfully treat pulpally involved or potentially involved teeth. Important fundamentals are stressed with emphasis on the correlation between basic clinical and biological principles.
The course will have two main components:
- Classroom lecture series which correlate between clinical and biological principles of endodontics.
- Laboratory exercises to perform endodontic treatment for mounted extracted teeth
This module is designed to provide:
- the theory essential to the development of knowledge which will enable the effective practice of contemporary conservative dentistry
- The knowledge and skills required to diagnose dental disease and formulate holistic treatment, planning including the use of x-rays as a diagnostic tool.
- the practical skills necessary to effectively utilize preventive and restorative materials to conserve and retain the deciduous and permanent dentitions
- an ability to critically evaluate the quality of published studies and their relevance and applicability to clinical practice
- an understanding of modern concepts of conservative dentistry to be able to integrate them into the dental services of individual communities during practice
- Prepare the student to demonstrate a mastery of the morphology of the pulpal space.
- Prepare the student to demonstrate a mastery of the dental materials and instruments used in endodontics.
- Prepare the student to demonstrate a mastery of performing the basic and the fundamental operative procedures in the field of endodontics.
- Prepare the student to demonstrate the ability to state the theoretical and biological principles of every endodontic clinical procedure.
- Prepare the student to demonstrate the mastery of recognizing the different levels of sophistication and complexity of endodontic cases that his patients present.
- Prepare the student to be able to evaluate his own clinical competency and know the extent of his diagnosis, treatment planning and operative capabilities. Therefore, he will not be hesitant in seeking the counsel of specialist on a colleague.
This didactic course is developed to presents the principles of orthodontics to the students. It will cover the theoretical and scientific backgrounds that are essentials in the study of orthodontics. And it is designed to introduce the student to: growth and development of craniofacial structures, relationship of craniofacial growth to general body growth, cephalometric and facial analysis, etiology and classification of malocclusion, development of the dentition and preliminary wire bending and manipulation in orthodontics.
The course is designed to quantify the student to:
- Have a sound knowledge of the theoretical and scientific backgrounds that are essentials for the study of orthodontics.
- Fully understand the scope and limitation of orthodontic treatment.
- Explain the indication and contraindication for orthodontic treatment.
- Be able to identify malocclusions and be able to have the correct classification of malocclusion.
- Have a through understanding of etiology of malocclusion.
- Identify the salient features of class I, class II/1 malocclusion, class II/2 malocclusion and class III malocclusion.
- Understand the orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment progress.
- Understand the different options for the treatment of malocclusion.
- Recognize and identify the types of malocclusion suitable for specific type of treatment.
- Institute preventive and interceptive measures and appreciate the importance treatment timing.
- Understand the principles of treating class of class I, class II/1, class II/2 and class III malocclusions.
- Have knowledge of biomechanics, force, force system and reaction.
- Have knowledge of anchorage in orthodontics.
- Understand the principles of force applications and tissue reactions.
- Have a sound knowledge of the theoretical and scientific backgrounds for the treatment of non-skeletal, skeletal and adult orthodontics.
Oral Surgery and Anesthesia:
This Course is designed to introduce the students to the general principles of oral surgery. It provides the basic knowledge and practice of local anesthesia in dentistry. Furthermore the course will thoroughly teach the theoretical and practical aspects exodontias. It also includes the Instruments, and techniques for oral surgery and local anesthesia, Management of difficult cases and complications and Introduction to dental extraction.
Recognize pre-and post-extraction problems,
Course Objectives
- Understand the anatomy, materials and techniques of local anesthesia in dentistry.
- Understand the armamentarium, principles and techniques of simple dental extraction
- To provide advance knowledge from their understanding of basic oral surgery problems and their management, so that through clinical training students will reinforce and develop the required practical skills for preparation.
- The course will look at oral surgery procedures and potential associated medical/surgical problems, so that they can be readily identified from clinical experiences